Saturday, June 8, 2013


Today marks the day of the 18th year of my existence. 

There is a Chinese saying: “女大十八变” 
(Translated literally: Girl big eighteen change, go make sense of it.) 

According to Baidu -- “女大十八变”是指女性青春期第二性征的发育。进入青春期,由于性激素的作用,女孩子先是身体长高,胸部开始隆起,阴毛长出,然后月经来潮。而后长出腋毛,臀部也变得浑圆。呈现出女性特有的体态,亭亭玉立、生机勃勃。第二性征的出现是生殖系统开始发育成熟的标志。
Unsatisfied with that overly descriptive definition regarding female puberty, I read through 1000 more Chinese characters till I found this:  
With this phrase in mind, I thought it'd be a good idea to look back at my 18 stages of change.

When Sonia saw this picture (above), she couldn't stop commenting on my cheeks which are still apparent to date. That is fat, bald, boy-ish looking baby Lara. 

Don't even ask me what I was wearing in this next picture. This picture sounds the fashion alarm. WHAT WAS I WEARING? WHY WAS I EVEN SMILING? Maybe my parents thought if they dressed me as a clown I'd be less frightened of one. Oh for crying out loud, I was even wearing big red shoes, dammit. 

I had a double-chin, I have a double-chin, and I think I will forever have a double-chin. 
I've always loved following fashion trends - BIG GAWDY EARRINGS AND RED LIPSTICK. 
(I looked so happy, I must've thought I was pretty.) 

I honestly think I look like the hunchback of Notre-dam, SEE! 

 A decent picture finally! 
Fun Fact: The dress I'm wearing in this picture is being worn till today, passed down to 3 of my little cousins. 

I've always been a cat person. My first kitty, Johan. He let me dress him up in doll dresses, a very tolerant cat. 

The 2 pictures above was when my mum got sick of constantly cutting my front fringe so she decided to CHOP IT ALL OFF

I think this picture (above) was taken in ClubMed, one of my favourite pictures of me as a little girl. 

Lara practicing her dance for the SCIPS talent show. I came in 2nd place, not bad. 

Now, you see, this was not taken any time near Christmas, I just had an obsession with this hello kitty santa claus hat.  

YES. OH YES. The picture, hands down, the best picture ever. LOOK AT MY FACE. 
It was when the Oreo McFlurry had just been introduced. That shit yummy, my face says it all. 

(I was too beautiful back then, I  don't want to make any of you jealous) 

There is something too ridiculous to not mention about my primary school years though - JieXhia, Gini and I started a band -- CHITZ
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That's all there is to say about that *hides under covers*. 
(Shut up. I was an ambitious child who wanted fame.) 

2007, Paris with the dad. 

Lara goes to Sweden. 
My favourite person in the whole wide world <3
2008, Lara cuts her hair and gets braces. I can't believe I actually liked having braces back then. 

2009, Lara learns about colour contact lenses. Lara can't keep her head straight *head tilt*. 

2010, Lara attempts the 'lala' smile. 

Seeing as I wore the same blouse in both photos, I assume this picture (above) was taken in 2010 too.
This picture deserves more elaboration. 
The girl next to me is Lisa. She was my best friend when I was like... 2? 
In this picture, we had just met each other for the first time after about 10 years, and funny enough, it was as if nothing had changed. 
Although I haven't seen her since then, she will always remain a dear friend and a big part of my childhood. 

Lara turns 15.
By the time I threw my 15th birthday, my parents had decided that I would continue high school in Kilmore. 
I had a rough start to high school - unnecessary girl drama, bad grades and a bad attitude. 
All I wanted was to leave home. Stupid Lara.
"Only hate the road when you're missing home" 

Thinking back, I made so much memories with these girls, J1A, J2A and J3A. 
Asking 丽娟 everything, and calling her my 'brain'. 
Obsessing over books with YingYing & writing our own stories. 
Dreading 历史 class, and complaining about it with like everyone. 
Getting really close to 念宜 - NY & GP. 
Girl Guides with WenLing, Gemi, Jxhia & MR.RAYMOND. 
Oh and, "珊珊,ChuXin, and Ma Ling Weiiiii"! 
I never appreciated the friends I made in PCGPHS as much as I should have. But, they are truly wonderful girls, and I'm thankful to have met them. 

My grandma is my everything. Without her, I don't think I would have survived growing up. 

Now, these 2 girls are my primary school best friends. 6 years of friendship.  Daphne & Michelle. 
Daphne used to give me shoulder rubs in class when she got bored ahahahaha and Michelle used to make lovely bead necklaces for me :) 
We'd always eat fries for lunch and we were silly together. 

ALI CAT. ALICIA. She has been my friend since I was a little munchkin, and till today we are still close as ever.  

My ballet partner! XinYi <3 It was annoying that her and I got close when I was about to leave for Kilmore. 


2010 still. 
A few weeks after my 15th, I left for Kilmore. 
Beth & Dani, my year9 biffles. 

My soul sister and my hot mama. 
Being older than me, these girls were my inspiration. 

Elleeeeee <3 

Lara dyed her hair lighter/ Lara grew fat. 

I then got in trouble with school for my hair colour and was forced to dye it black.
One unforgettable memory of year 10 was doing Music with these boys. 

BRANDY. One of my bestest friends through my time in Kilmore. 
She just finished her finals back in California. I cannot wait till I can go visit her. 

My big brother. My support through thick & thin. 


Obviously if I go through my life story I cannot not mention SONIA.
My roommate, my best friend, my mke, my everything. 
(Did I not take any pictures in 2012? Hmm)


This is my boyfriend who I started dating in 2011. Curran Martin Smith. 
My bunny <3 

Jarryd, my best friend, the owner of my future cat husband
Caring, patient & the best listener. 
Year 12 is much easier with him to talk to <3 

Newyear Bunchasakdiphat (try pronouncing her name, it's a good challenge) , another good friend I've made over the years in Kilmore. 

Just a few faces of the wonderful friends I have. 

Now, meow meow meow. Where do I begin with this girl? 
The smartest yet the silliest girl I know, my favourite girl whom I can tell everything/anything to. 
She's probably the one person I've laughed with the most in the past 3 years. 

Back to the 8th of June 2013. 
Wondering how I celebrated?

I don't seem like a very mature 18 year old.......................................... 

PAPI <3 

I thought this was a very cute and thoughtful picture from Jason, who was one of the first to wish me a happy birthday. I will be inviting him on a cheese date soon ;) 

Amelia made a collage that sums up our friendship. 
Yes, we've been friends since forever. 
My 老婆. Thank you <3 

I shall end this post now, if not I might actually fail my economics exam on Tuesday. 

I HATE EXAMS. That hasn't changed since I was 7, and it probably won't change, ever. 
