Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Amelia visits!

Hello my fellow friends! 
Holidays are over. 
School has begun. (eew)

Amelia visited for a week, which was barely enough. 
On the first day (Sunday), we went to the city for some window shopping. 
Seriously, shopping in Melbourne is awfully expensive. 

We got back in the evening and headed to Coles to buy ingredients for dinner. 
I felt completely out of place, being in a leather jacket and heavy makeup. 
I mean, my usual Coles attire is leggings and a hoodie. 

Why so pretty Lara? 
On Monday, we slept in late, then spent the day moping around the house. 
In the late afternoon, we went over to Jarryd's house. 
I finally met all 3 of his kitties - Shadow, Princess and Elmo. 

2 of my favourite people around. 
As Amelia said: "A pussy on your pussy" ---- WHAT. 

Shadow lay on me for about an hour. 
It made my day :) 
We went for a midnight Maccas run. 
Shadow was a little excited about it. 

I definitely had an amazing night. 
We watched Iron Man and played Truth or Dare. 
Lots of fun! 

The following day (Tuesday), Amelia and I went down the Great Ocean Road. 
I swear I had a sore butt. 
All in the name of the scenery. 
A crap pictre of the 12 Apostles. 
The next day (Wednesday), we visited the Smith household. 
Amelia met Henry the rooster and Jim and Al the alpacas. 
We watched Nightmare on Elm Street, the first horror movie I watched without my eyes closed for more than 30% of the movie. KUDOS LARA! 

On Thursday, we went to the city for some shopping. 
We had scheduled a dinner with Andrew at Rockpool, so we needed pretty outfits! 
After getting into Melbourne city, I brought Amelia and Curran to CrazyWing. 
I made them try the 变态辣 flavoured chicken wing. 
变态辣 means perverted-ly spicy. So you can imagine how that would've tasted. 
I remember when Aaron made me try it, I felt nauseous and needed to have panadol after.  

Photobooths are always good fun. 
After dinner that night, her and I were both broke. BAHAHAHAHAHA. 
But it's always worth spending money on good food. 
Her & I are foodies.

On Friday, Amelia and I didn't do anything during the day. 
I had my first (legit) clubbing experience with Aaron, Newyear, Amelia & Jarryd. 
Newyear was celebrating her 18th birthday. 
It was a very different experience for me, you see, nerds like me don't go out very much. 

Elson, New, Amelia, Jarryd, me, Aaron, JiHoon, Ritsuko and Porsche
It was wonderful how Amelia got along so well with all my Kilmore friends. 
I really do have amazing friends. 
(Oh and Jarryd, THANK YOU) 

We got home at around 6 in the morning the next day (Saturday). 
It was intense because I had to wake up 2 hours later to drop Amelia off at the airport and to pick my mum up. 
I was so tired, I was in zombie land. 

That's sleepy Amelia & sleepy Lara <3 

That same night, I attended my first proper high school party at Simon's. 
Beer Pong, Kings Cup (I think that's what it's called...) 

The thing with me is that I'm not very friendly unless I get approached or actually get to know you. 
Probably most people out there label me as a bitch
(Which I won't deny, I am quick to judge and I do say things I shouldn't at times.)
But as Gini likes to say, "Lara, we know, it's not your fault, but your eyes.... you just stare." 
And because I'm overly self conscious and I over think as to what people may be saying about me, I end up being a solitary animal. 
I came to a realisation that I am a sooky, moody, bitter person. 
But luckily there are really nice people around who encourage me to 'come out and mingle', who don't judge me and who give me a chance to 'open up'. 
Thank you 

I had a lot of fun that night, and my mum was completely on board with me having 'this kind of' fun. 

It was unfortunate that school started on Monday. 
I had lacked a lot of sleep in those couple of days, and I had barely touched my holiday homework. 
I was/am screwed. 
I am lucky though, to have Curran to help me get through school. 

Both March & February has ended without me posting any of my favourites. 
So here's a quicky! 
My favourite songs from both the months: 
Come On Eileen by Dexy's Midnight Runners 
Hey Jude by The Beatles 
(Yes, they're all oldies)

My favourite movie: 
(If you watch the movie, you will understand why my favourite songs were my favourite)

I've already posted 3 pictures of Shadow and I. So to end this post, here's a horrifying picture of me. 


P.S - Check out Amelia's blog, she'll be likely to do a more detailed and picture filled entry of her trip! 
(She was the one running around with a camera) 

Sunday, April 7, 2013


I never have to attend camp ever again. 
Day 1.
I'm not even going to post a picture of my luggage. 
I don't travel light. 
So I arrived to school, and walked straight to Jarryd to tell him how much I hated everything (as I do every morning). 
We departed at about 9am.

The buses parked outside the school. 
We stopped at KFC an hour into our journey for 'lunch'. 
It was my first time stepping into KFC here in Aussie.

My happy panda apple-drinking face. 

Curran's burger and my box of popcorn chicken. 

Soon enough, we arrived at the Ace-Hi Ranch. 
I snapped a couple of pictures for Amelia.

The name of my cabin. 
The inside view from my bed. 
Sonia had told me that there will a double-bed, so naturally I shotgunned it. 
But I'm a darling so I let Newyear share it with me :) 

Newyear began munching on food the moment we entered the cabin. 
Meow watching Community on her little tablet. 

We had to go on the flying fox the first day. 
And I got a boo-boo. 
It really hurt, I'm serious. 

Day 2. 
I'm not a geography nor a biology student so we didn't get to go on excursions. 
Instead we stayed behind studying and doing activities such as the giant swing and archery. 
I didn't do the giant swing. Only did archery, just so I could have a picture where I looked cool.

I'm a boring, moody wuss

Meow & I. 
Day 3.
I don't even remember what I did, besides having a selfie frenzy with Aaron and Newyear.
Oh that's right. My group - B2 - went rock climbing. 
I didn't climb. I'm way too conscious about how I'd look. 

Jarryd does geography so on his excursion he sent me this beautiful picture of the scenery from his ferry ride.

Meal times at camp:
Besides breakfast and one dinner, I lived on cup noodles. SHIN RAMEN. 

Breakfast everyday. 

The only dinner I ate - WEDGES. 

 I'm a bit of an obsessed girlfriend. 
I found this while browsing through 9gag before falling asleep one night. 
Day 4.
We went to Port Phillips Head national park.
We walked for TWO HOURS.
That's enough walking to last me a year. 

I saw a Wallaby! 
Mr and Mrs Smith. 
Go listen: Mr. & Mrs.Smith 

After the national park, we went to the Enchanted Maze Garden. 
Well.... It was more for little kiddies, not really for 17 year olds. 
But, I got to eat fries and lollies there so I didn't complain. 

(I'm beautiful)

(He will kill me if he sees this picture) GAYTIME. 

After getting back, Mr.Smith & I went to have a chat with the Cockatoos.
They managed to say "hello" and "bye bye" to me. 

Day 5.
Newyear and took heaps of selfless on the last morning. 
So, here's a couple. 

 We stopped by the city on our way back. 
Mel, Ray, New and I had Thai food, NOM NOM NOM. 

Mr.Smith 'surprised' me with a lovely necklace. 
I love it. 
Thank you. 

So that was camp. 
A boring waste of 5 days of my life. 
That's a little harsh.
BUT. I did enjoy spending time with my friends. 
(Here's some love to Mel, Ray, Aaron & Newyear) 

And that's it.
Another thing I can cut off from my "Last-Ever" list before I graduate. 

Here's a picture of Timmy & Tommy to end the post.